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Because of their beautiful appearance and high energy, Crystals are widely treasured in all noble cultures including the highly spiritual and sophisticated ancient Egyptians, Romans, Greek, Chinese, Atlantisians, Sumerians and more. Crystals are millions of years old and were forged during the earliest part of the earth’s formation. Crystals are the most orderly structure that exists in nature, and this uniquely balanced structure stores and oscillates with powerful energy. This vibrational energy is essential for abundance, manifestation, relationship, health, and spirituality. Mindful Charms is on the mission to curate the modernized style of crystal jewellery. We are obsessed to bring you the most stylish and genuine crystal that looks and feels good in all occasions! Mindful Charms的靈感來自人類古老文明中廣為人知的水晶遺產。由於其美麗的外觀和高能量,水晶在所有貴族文化中廣受珍視,包括富有高度靈性精神及老練的古埃及人,羅馬人,希臘人,中國人,亞特蘭蒂斯人,以及人類文明最早期的蘇美爾人等等! 然而,水晶已有數百萬年的歷史,並且在地球最早形成期間被鍛造。晶體是自然界中存在的最有序結構,這種獨特的平衡結構以強大的能量存儲和振盪存在着。這些振動能量對於富足、表現、關係、健康和靈性至關重要。 Mindful Charms的使命是以獨特的時尚方式,設計現代化的水晶首飾。為您帶來最時尚,最真實的水晶,並且適合於所有場合佩戴!