Apollo Bracelet (8mm)



Sun Stone The uplifting and confidence Stone - Uplift confidence and self-appreciation - Strengthen brain memory, rationality and logic - Spark and maintain positivity, motivation and happiness White Turquoise Protection and Purification crystal Function: - Strengthen Communication - Connect Physical world with Spirituality - Purify your Energy Black Tourmaline The Purification and Grounding Stone - Cleanse, purify, and transform to instill confidence, happiness, and health - Foster grounding energy of the mind and body - Protect and block negative energy and radiation Blue Tiger Eye Excellent Stone for Entreprenuersip, Willpower, and Turning Dreams into Reality - Clarity, Calm, Focused, Relaxed - Attract steady Money Flows - Boost Creativity - Strengthen Intuition Hematite Peace and Focus Stone - Strengthen Aura and Focus - Conquer and Overcome Fear - Strengthen Physical Health 太陽石 發揮領導才能的強大石頭 - 可增強自信心與堅定立場 - 可加強人們的理智,帶來邏輯,條理,記憶 - 可以佩帶太陽石來冥想,可使人重新快樂起來 - 強大嘅正面能量可用來辟邪 白松石 保護和淨化水晶 功能: - 加強溝通 - 將物理世界與靈性聯繫起來 - 淨化過低或過剩能量 藍虎眼 大利創業,及提供意志力和將夢想變為現實的優秀石頭 - 清晰,冷靜,專注,放鬆 - 吸引穩定的資金流動 - 提升創造力 - 加強直覺 黑碧璽 淨化及接地之石 - 清理,淨化,及強化信心,快樂,健康 - 增強接地能量,令身心更穩定 - 保護輻射及其他不好的能量 赤鐵礦 消除恐懼之石 - 增强個人的氣場, 使做事集中專注力 - 能消除恐懼的心理 - 保平安, 去病氣的功効
