The Asthetics Bracelet (8mm)



8mm Natural Pearl 赤鐵礦 消除恐懼之石 - 增强個人的氣場, 使做事集中專注力 - 能消除恐懼的心理 - 保平安, 去病氣的功効 黑海洋碧玉 - 能量保護 - 身心圓滿及平靜 - 增強貼地能量及穩定性 White Turquoise Protection and Purification crystal Function: - Strengthen Communication - Connect Physical world with Spirituality - Purify your Energy Garnet Root Chakra, Vitality and Persistency stone - Manage blood circulation, root chakra and organ vitality, and strength body persistency - Accelerate rejuvenation and metabolism - Strengthen the sense of family belonging Hematite Peace and Focus Stone - Strengthen Aura and Focus - Conquer and Overcome Fear - Strengthen Physical Health Black Sea Sediment Jasper - Powerful protection from negative energy - Completeness and tranquility - Grounding and stability
