The Balance Eagle Bracelet (8mm)



磷灰石 和諧之石 - 激發積極性,使交際時更和諧真誠 - 激發創造性,提高智力,消除疑惑 - 使生理、情感、精神、靈性都處於和諧狀態 - 有助皮膚及骨骼健康 青金石 古埃及的貴族石 - 增強觀察力和洞察力,提升靈性 - 化解戾氣,治癒心靈, 回復平靜 - 舒緩情緒,幫助睡眠及新陳代謝 崖柏木 - 鬆弛神經、穩定情緒 - 促進新陳代謝, 增強人體免疫功能 - 凈化空氣、殺滅細菌和病毒 彼得石 開發潛能及回報之石 - 開發個人內在潛能 - 強化信心,創作力,自信,及回報 - 消除負面能量及輻射 紫水晶 事業貴人之石 - 增強事業運,主正財 - 招貴人幫助 - 步步高升,心想事成 黃水晶 財富及開心之石 - 吸引及凝聚財富 - 保持個人心境開朗快樂 - 開啟太陽輪,保持身體健康 虎眼及藍虎眼共生水晶(非常罕有) 動力及創業豐盛之石 - 點燃動力, 激情, 同時保持清晰及專注 - 強力吸引金流, 大利創業及生意 - 提升創造力及直覺 925 Silver Eagle Charm Lazurite Ancient Egyptian’s noble stone - Elevate Observation, Insights, Instincts, and Spirituality - Dissolve Negative Emotions, Achieve Peace of Mind - Improve Sleep, Meditation and Metabolism Apatite The Harmony Stone - Instill positive harmony on socialization and communication - Boost creativity, intelligence and wisdom - Foster harmony in all aspects encompassing all physical, emotional, spiritual states - Elevate skin and bones’ health Thuja sutchuenensis - Soothing and Calming - Enhance metabolism - Purification and Disinfection Citrine Stone of Wealth and Passion - Acquiring and Maintaining Wealth - Attract Happiness and Love - Strength Solar Chakra and Health Pietersite Unleash potential and Reward - Unleash inner potential - Strengthen creativeness, confidence, rewards - Shield against radiation and negative energy Amethyst Career and Wealth Attraction Stone - Upgrade Career Business Performance - Attract Client and Sponsors - Facilitate Healing and Manifestation Blue and Yellow Tiger Eye (Very Rare) Manifestation, entrepreneurial, and abundance store - Ignite strong motivation, execution passion, with clarity and focus - Strongly attract cash flow and opportunities - Elevate creativity and intuition
