The Black Eagle Feather Bracelet (8mm)



925 Silver Eagle and Feather Sets 8mm Natural Crystal Stones Tiger Eye Motivation and Shape-Shifter Stone - Strengthen Motivation - Ignite your Passion - Accelerate Manifestation Red Coral - Boost Courage and Confidence - Boost Self-esteem and over obstacles - Improve mental and physical heath with calming emotions Black and Gold Rutilated Quartz (Very Rare) The leadership, power, and wealth stone - Greatly enhance leadership, power, influence, and respect from others - Attract wealth and abundance in all channels - Uplift courage, self-motivation, and career passion 925 Silver Eagle and Feather Sets 8mm 天然晶石 虎眼 動機和形狀變換石 - 加強動力 - 點燃你的激情 - 加速表現形式 红珊瑚 - 增強活力及吸引力 - 曠闊心胸,提高精神層次 - 增強集中力,使人在處理複雜事情上作出正確判斷及處理 黑金髮晶 (非常罕有) 權威聚財之石 - 極具有權威性, 權力領導力提昇 - 非常聚財,金光閃閃招財聚富 - 增強勇氣,工作更積極, 快速達成正確的決定
