The Blissful Bracelet (8mm)



8mm 天然晶石 草莓晶 同時擁有愛與當下的石頭 - 主愛情與人際關係, 可使人陶醉於愛的懷裡 - 有助愛情運勢、吸引美好姻緣、圓融關係、和諧友善 - 能讓思考變得更清晰及令心境平和安祥 彼得石 開發潛能及回報之石 - 開發個人內在潛能 - 強化信心,創作力,自信,及回報 - 消除負面能量及輻射 白水晶 - 調節個人情緒及身心健康 - 有利建立威信,提高工作效率 - 生財旺財 8mm Natural Crystal Stones Strawberry Quartz The Love and Present Stone - Has all properties and vibration of Love - Attract harmony and loving relationships - Clarify thoughts, establish peace of mind Pietersite Unleash potential and Reward - Unleash inner potential - Strengthen creativeness, confidence, rewards - Shield against radiation and negative energy White Quartz - Improve calmness, emotions and physical health - Strengthen influence and positive authority - Wealth and abundance
