The Blue Pearl Bracelet (8mm)



Natural Pearl Aquamarine Stone The soothing and fearless stone connected to the ocean - Accelerate the intellectual and enhances the ability for rapid response - Open and elevate communication and persuasiveness - Boost intuition, confident and courage to overcome fear Apatite The Harmony Stone - Instill positive harmony on socialization and communication - Boost creativity, intelligence and wisdom - Foster harmony in all aspects encompassing all physical, emotional, spiritual states - Elevate skin and bones’ health Lazurite Ancient Egyptian’s noble stone - Elevate Observation, Insights, Instincts, and Spirituality - Dissolve Negative Emotions, Achieve Peace of Mind - Improve Sleep, Meditation and Metabolism Black Tourmaline The Purification and Grounding Stone - Cleanse, purify, and transform to instill confidence, happiness, and health - Foster grounding energy of the mind and body - Protect and block negative energy and radiation 海藍寶 沉着、勇敢和聰明之石 - 冷靜大腦,解除疑惑,提高思想的完整性與靈敏度 - 促進其呼吸系統健康,加強其表達能力和說服力 - 使人具有先見之明,有堅定信心,加強自信的功能。 磷灰石 和諧之石 - 激發積極性,使交際時更和諧真誠 - 激發創造性,提高智力,消除疑惑 - 使生理、情感、精神、靈性都處於和諧狀態 - 有助皮膚及骨骼健康
