The Felicitiy Bracelet (8mm)



8mm 天然晶石 綠松石 最受歡迎的石頭、埃及、波斯及印第安人 功能: - 保護和好運 - 提升健康 - 倍感豐富 - 提高積極性 草莓晶 同時擁有愛與當下的石頭 - 主愛情與人際關係, 可使人陶醉於愛的懷裡 - 有助愛情運勢、吸引美好姻緣、圓融關係、和諧友善 - 能讓思考變得更清晰及令心境平和安祥 太陽石 發揮領導才能的強大石頭 - 可增強自信心與堅定立場 - 可加強人們的理智,帶來邏輯,條理,記憶 - 可以佩帶太陽石來冥想,可使人重新快樂起來 - 強大嘅正面能量可用來辟邪 紫幽靈 事業貴人之石 - 增強事業運,主正財 - 招貴人幫助 - 步步高升,心想事成 8mm Natural Crystal Stones Turquoise Favourite Stone honored by, Egyptian, Persian and Native Americans Functions: - Protection and Good Luck - Health - Abundance - Positivity Strawberry Quartz The Love and Present Stone - Has all properties and vibration of Love - Attract harmony and loving relationships - Clarify thoughts, establish peace of mind and presence Sun Stone The uplifting and confidence Stone - Uplift confidence and self-appreciation - Strengthen brain memory, rationality and logic - Spark and maintain positivity, motivation and happiness Amethyst Phantom Career and Wealth Attraction Stone - Upgrade Career Business Performance - Attract Client and Sponsors - Facilitate Healing and Manifestation
