The Flow Bracelet (8mm)



8mm 天然晶石 綠松石 最受歡迎的石頭、埃及、波斯及印第安人 功能: - 保護和好運 - 提升健康 - 倍感豐富 - 提高積極性 黑髮晶 領袖之石 - 增加領袖魅力及領導力 - 招主財及偏財 - 防負能量 孔雀石 溝通及關係之石 - 增進溝通能力及說服力 - 洞悉與別人的關係 - 吸引人緣 綠簾花崗石 當下的力量石頭 - 放開過去 - 專注於當下 - 打開直覺和第三隻眼睛 黃水晶 財富及開心之石 - 吸引及凝聚財富 - 保持個人心境開朗快樂 - 開啟太陽輪,保持身體健康 8mm Natural Crystal Stones Turquoise Favourite Stone honored by, Egyptian, Persian and Native Americans Functions: - Protection and Good Luck - Health - Abundance - Positivity Black Rutilated Quartz The leadership stone - Empower leadership charisma and influence - Attract wealth and abundance - Protect one from negative energy Malachite The Charisma and Communication Stone - Strength communication and persuasion skill - Elevation Interpersonal relationships - Increase Charisma Unakite The Power of Now Stone - Let go of the Past - Focus on the Now Moment - Open up Intuition and the Third eye Citrine Stone of Wealth and Passion - Acquiring and Maintaining Wealth - Attract Happiness and Love - Strength Solar Chakra and Health
