The Galaxy Angel Bracelet (8mm)



Black Tourmaline The Purification and Grounding Stone - Cleanse, purify, and transform to instill confidence, happiness, and health - Foster grounding energy of the mind and body - Protect and block negative energy and radiation Meteorite - Massive uplifting positive energy for purification and protection - Elevate mind and thought clarity - Accelerate manifestation Hematite Peace and Focus Stone - Strengthen Aura and Focus - Conquer and Overcome Fear - Strengthen Physical Health Pietersite Unleash potential and Reward - Unleash inner potential - Strengthen creativeness, confidence, rewards - Shield against radiation and negative energy 黑碧璽 淨化及接地之石 - 清理,淨化,及強化信心,快樂,健康 - 增強接地能量,令身心更穩定 - 保護輻射及其他不好的能量 天鐵隕石 - 有非常強大的靈性與極高的正能量,快速驅散負能量 - 使人的頭腦更為清醒,思路更為清晰 - 快速實現及彰顯心願 赤鐵礦 消除恐懼之石 - 增强個人的氣場, 使做事集中專注力 - 能消除恐懼的心理 - 保平安, 去病氣的功効 彼得石 開發潛能及回報之石 - 開發個人內在潛能 - 強化信心,創作力,自信,及回報 - 消除負面能量及輻射
