The Kyoto Calm Bracelet (8mm)



Blue Tiger Eye Excellent Stone for Entreprenuersip, Willpower, and Turning Dreams into Reality - Clarity, Calm, Focused, Relaxed - Attract steady Money Flows - Boost Creativity - Strengthen Intuition Black Onxy The Shield Stone - Protect from Negative energy and attack - Enable Capability to quickly see the Truth and Whole picture - Remove Impurities from the Aura 藍虎眼 大利創業,及提供意志力和將夢想變為現實的優秀石頭 - 清晰,冷靜,專注,放鬆 - 吸引穩定的資金流動 - 提升創造力 - 加強直覺 黑瑪瑙 防護之石 - 保護,去除負能量及壓力,加強膽色與勇氣 - 增加人對事物的宏觀,遠小人近貴人 - 去除氣場上的雜質,有效啟發其自身的魅力
