The Millian Bracelet (8mm)



紅瑪瑙 生氣之石 - 提升個人的生氣及陽氣 - 優化身體健康及幫助排出負能量 - 聚集財富 綠海洋碧玉 - 幫助睡眠, 舒緩情緒 - 生長及豐盛,勇氣及智慧 - 能量保護 彼得石 開發潛能及回報之石 - 開發個人內在潛能 - 強化信心,創作力,自信,及回報 - 消除負面能量及輻射 東陵玉 - 開心,豐盛、富足、美好的能量 - 提升創意與領導品質, 吸引金錢財富 - 可以吸引好朋友、貴人相助、好運氣、好機會、好的物質能量來接近,也就是財富 綠松石 最受歡迎的石頭、埃及、波斯及印第安人 功能: - 保護和好運 - 提升健康 - 倍感豐富 - 提高積極性 Red Onyx The Stone of Livelihood - Strengthen livelihood of the body - Improve physical health, remove negative energy - Accumulate wealth and abundance Green Sea Sediment Jasper - Improves sleep quality and reduce stress - Growth, abundance, courage, wisdom - Energy protection Pietersite Unleash potential and Reward - Unleash inner potential - Strengthen creativeness, confidence, rewards - Shield against radiation and negative energy Turquoise Favorite Stone honored by, Egyptian, Persian and Native Americans Functions: - Protection and Good Luck - Health - Abundance - Positivity Aventurine - Positivity, abundance and joyful energy - Elevate creativity, leadership quality, and wealth attraction - Activate good luck, opportunities, positive resources
