The Mindful Fiesta Bracelet (8mm)



虎眼 動機和形狀變換石 - 加強動力 - 點燃你的激情 - 加速表現形式 藍紋石 - 幫助開發出大智慧,令頭腦清淅 - 消除恐懼及情緒混淆,能提升專注力 - 對應和平衡人體之頂輪、眉心輪、喉輪及心輪 崖柏木 - 鬆弛神經、穩定情緒 - 促進新陳代謝, 增強人體免疫功能 - 凈化空氣、殺滅細菌和病毒 太陽石 發揮領導才能的強大石頭 - 可增強自信心與堅定立場 - 可加強人們的理智,帶來邏輯,條理,記憶 - 可以佩帶太陽石來冥想,可使人重新快樂起來 - 強大嘅正面能量可用來辟邪 彼得石 開發潛能及回報之石 - 開發個人內在潛能 - 強化信心,創作力,自信,及回報 - 消除負面能量及輻射 赤鐵礦 消除恐懼之石 - 增强個人的氣場, 使做事集中專注力 - 能消除恐懼的心理 - 保平安, 去病氣的功効 Tiger Eye Motivation and Shape-Shifter Stone - Strengthen Motivation - Ignite your Passion - Accelerate Manifestation Sodalite - Nurture wisdom and instils the clarity of mind - Clear the mind and increase focus - Balance the crown chakra, third eye chakra, throat chakra, and heart chakra Thuja sutchuenensis - Soothing and Calming - Enhance metabolism - Purification and Disinfection Sun Stone The uplifting and confidence Stone - Uplift confidence and self-appreciation - Strengthen brain memory, rationality and logic - Spark and maintain positivity, motivation and happiness Pietersite Unleash potential and Reward - Unleash inner potential - Strengthen creativeness, confidence, rewards - Shield against radiation and negative energy Hematite Peace and Focus Stone - Strengthen Aura and Focus - Conquer and Overcome Fear - Strengthen Physical Health
