The Mirage Bracelet (8mm)



Aquamarine Stone The soothing and fearless stone connected to the ocean - Accelerate the intellectual and enhances the ability for rapid response - Open and elevate communication and persuasiveness - Boost intuition, confident and courage to overcome fear Amethyst Career and Wealth Attraction Stone - Upgrade Career Business Performance - Attract Client and Sponsors - Facilitate Healing and Manifestation Auralite 23 Crystals High energy multi-functional containing 23 minerals in its matrix - Activate 7 chakras and inner potentials - Open up higher intuition and sixth sense - Balance, heal, and energize the physical body Moon Stone Stone of EQ - Improves emotion quotient (EQ) and clarify thoughts - Create romantic immersiveness - Resolve relationship issues among partners White Quartz - Improve calmness, emotions and physical health - Strengthen influence and positive authority - Wealth and abundance 紫水晶 事業貴人之石 - 增強事業運,主正財 - 招貴人幫助 - 步步高升,心想事成 海藍寶 沉着、勇敢和聰明之石 - 冷靜大腦,解除疑惑,提高思想的完整性與靈敏度 - 促進其呼吸系統健康,加強其表達能力和說服力 - 使人具有先見之明,有堅定信心,加強自信的功能。 極光23 極光23內含有23種礦物,集合多種能量共振的獨特水晶 - 它是能量超強的多功能水晶,可通人體七輪,激發內在洞察力 - 可開啟更高的覺知和靈通能力,充分發揮潛能 - 調整身體的完善機制,來協助身體再度的平衡,達到療癒的效果 月亮石 EQ之石 - 調和人的個性,使思維變得清新 - 能散發出浪漫的情調 - 化解伴侶之間的感情問題,讓雙方和平相處 白水晶 - 調節個人情緒及身心健康 - 有利建立威信,提高工作效率 - 生財旺財
