The Moldavite Bracelet (8mm)



8mm 天然晶石 捷克綠隕石 來自天空的高能量石 - 招正財及貴人,加強同步性 - 大大加強其他水晶的能量及效果 - 迅速加速個人的能力及智力 黑髮晶 領袖之石 - 增加領袖魅力及領導力 - 招主財及偏財 - 防負能量 8mm Natural Crystal Stones Moldavite The Stone from the Sky - Stimulate highly Beneficial Synchronicity and Coincidence - High Motivation and Attract Abundance - Strongly Amplify other Crystals’ Power Black Rutilated Quartz The leadership stone - Empower leadership charisma and influence - Attract wealth and abundance - Protect one from negative energy
