The Moon Bracelet (8mm)



925 Silver Charm with Moon Stone 8mm 天然晶石 月亮石 EQ之石 - 調和人的個性,使思維變得清新 - 能散發出浪漫的情調 - 化解伴侶之間的感情問題,讓雙方和平相處 白水晶 - 調節個人情緒及身心健康 - 有利建立威信,提高工作效率 - 生財旺財 青金石 古埃及的贵族石 - 增強觀察力和洞察力,提升靈性 - 化解戾氣,治癒心靈, 回復平靜 - 舒緩情緒,幫助睡眠及新陳代謝 雪花瑪瑙 保護之石 - 在任何混亂情況下保持心境集中及平靜 - 清除能量阻塞及清理負能量 - 清理及改善壞習慣 草莓晶 同時擁有愛與當下的石頭 - 主愛情與人際關係, 可使人陶醉於愛的懷裡 - 有助愛情運勢、吸引美好姻緣、圓融關係、和諧友善 - 能讓思考變得更清晰及令心境平和安祥 虎眼 動機和形狀變換石 - 加強動力 - 點燃你的激情 - 加速表現形式 925 Silver Charm with Moon Stone 8mm Natural Crystal Stone Moon Stone Stone of EQ - Improves emotion quotient (EQ) and clarify thoughts - Create romantic immersiveness - Resolve relationship issues among partners Snowflake Agate The Protection Stone - Stay Centre and focus in any chaotic situation - Cleanse negative energy and remove energy blockage - Help to remove bad thoughts and habits Lazurite Ancient Egyptian’s noble stone - Elevate Observation, Insights, Instincts, and Spirituality - Dissolve Negative Emotions, Achieve Peace of Mind - Improve Sleep, Meditation and Metabolism Tiger Eye Motivation and Shape-Shifter Stone - Strengthen Motivation - Ignite your Passion - Accelerate Manifestation White Quartz - Improve calmness, emotions and physical health - Strengthen influence and positive authority - Wealth and abundance
