The Motivation Star Bracelet (8mm)



925 Silver Star of David Charm 8mm 天然晶石 虎眼 動機和形狀變換石 - 加強動力 - 點燃你的激情 - 加速表現形式 雪花瑪瑙 保護之石 - 在任何混亂情況下保持心境集中及平靜 - 清除能量阻塞及清理負能量 - 清理及改善壞習慣 玄武岩熔岩石 轉型與支持石 - 提高自信和支持 - 冷靜和目標導向的焦點 - 積極轉型 黑瑪瑙 防護之石 - 保護,去除負能量及壓力,加強膽色與勇氣 - 增加人對事物的宏觀,遠小人近貴人 - 去除氣場上的雜質,有效啟發其自身的魅力 925 Silver Star of David Charms 8mm Natural Crystal Stones Tiger Eye Motivation and Shape -Shifter Stone - Strengthen Motivation - Ignite your Passion - Accelerate Manifestation Snowflake Agate The Protection Stone - Stay Centre and focus in any chaotic situation - Cleanse negative energy and remove energy blockage - Help to remove bad thoughts and habits Basalt Lava Stone Transformational and Support Stone Function: - Confident and Support - Calm and Goal-oriented Focus - Positive Transformation Black Onxy The Shield Stone - Protect from Negative energy and attack - Enable Capability to quickly see the Truth and Whole picture - Remove Impurities from the Aura
