The Nior Fleur Bracelet (8mm)



玄武岩熔岩石 轉型與支持石 功能: - 提高自信和支持 - 冷靜和目標導向的焦點 - 積極轉型 黑碧璽 淨化及接地之石 - 清理,淨化,及強化信心,快樂,健康 - 增強接地能量,令身心更穩定 - 保護輻射及其他不好的能量 黑海洋碧玉 - 能量保護 - 身心圓滿及平靜 - 增強貼地能量及穩定性 Basalt Lava Stone Transformational and Support Stone Function: - Confident and Support - Calm and Goal-oriented Focus - Positive Transformation Black Tourmaline The Purification and Grounding Stone - Cleanse, purify, and transform to instill confidence, happiness, and health - Foster grounding energy of the mind and body - Protect and block negative energy and radiation Black Sea Sediment Jasper - Powerful protection from negative energy - Completeness and tranquility - Grounding and stability
