The Red Bust Bracelet (8mm)



Hematite Peace and Focus Stone - Strengthen Aura and Focus - Conquer and Overcome Fear - Strengthen Physical Health Amethyst Career and Wealth Attraction Stone - Upgrade Career Business Performance - Attract Client and Sponsors - Facilitate Healing and Manifestation Red Sea Sediment Jasper - Inner peace and reduce stress - Love, compassion, and emotional healing - Alignment on physical body and spirituality Auralite 23 Crystals High energy multi-functional containing 23 minerals in its matrix - Activate 7 chakras and inner potentials - Open up higher intuition and sixth sense - Balance, heal, and energize the physical body 赤鐵礦 消除恐懼之石 - 增强個人的氣場, 使做事集中專注力 - 能消除恐懼的心理 - 保平安, 去病氣的功効 紫水晶 事業貴人之石 - 增強事業運,主正財 - 招貴人幫助 - 步步高升,心想事成 紅海洋碧玉 - 紓緩壓力及平靜心神 - 愛的流動,舒緩情緒 - 加強身體及靈性的平衡 極光23 極光23內含有23種礦物,集合多種能量共振的獨特水晶 - 它是能量超強的多功能水晶,可通人體七輪,激發內在洞察力 - 可開啟更高的覺知和靈通能力,充分發揮潛能 - 調整身體的完善機制,來協助身體再度的平衡,達到療癒的效果
