The Solar Lunar Bracelet (8mm)



Tiger Eye Motivation and Shape-Shifter Stone - Strengthen Motivation - Ignite your Passion - Accelerate Manifestation Amethyst Career and Wealth Attraction Stone - Upgrade Career Business Performance - Attract Client and Sponsors - Facilitate Healing and Manifestation Citrine Stone of Wealth and Passion - Acquiring and Maintaining Wealth - Attract Happiness and Love - Strength Solar Chakra and Health Red Onyx The Stone of Livelihood - Strengthen livelihood of the body - Improve physical health, remove negative energy - Accumulate wealth and abundance Sun Stone The uplifting and confidence Stone - Uplift confidence and self-appreciation - Strengthen brain memory, rationality and logic - Spark and maintain positivity, motivation and happiness Moon Stone Stone of EQ - Improves emotion quotient (EQ) and clarify thoughts - Create romantic immersiveness - Resolve relationship issues among partners 8mm 天然晶石 虎眼 動機和形狀變換石 - 加強動力 - 點燃你的激情 - 加速表現形式 紫水晶 事業貴人之石 - 增強事業運,主正財 - 招貴人幫助 - 步步高升,心想事成 黃水晶 財富及開心之石 - 吸引及凝聚財富 - 保持個人心境開朗快樂 - 開啟太陽輪,保持身體健康 紅瑪瑙 生氣之石 - 提升個人的生氣及陽氣 - 優化身體健康及幫助排出負能量 - 聚集財富 太陽石 發揮領導才能的強大石頭 - 可增強自信心與堅定立場 - 可加強人們的理智,帶來邏輯,條理,記憶 - 可以佩帶太陽石來冥想,可使人重新快樂起來 - 強大嘅正面能量可用來辟邪 月亮石 EQ之石 - 調和人的個性,使思維變得清新 - 能散發出浪漫的情調 - 化解伴侶之間的感情問題,讓雙方和平相處
