The Spiritual Bracelet (8mm)



8mm Natural Crystal Stones K2 Unique stone mined from the snowy peaks of Pakistan's K2, the second highest mountain in the world Function: - Strength Intuition and Inner Vision - Open Higher Consciousness - Transcend Spirituality White Turquoise Protection and Purification crystal Function: - Strengthen Communication - Connect Physical world with Spirituality - Purify your Energy 8mm 天然晶石 K2 獨特的石頭從巴基斯坦K2的雪峰開採,這是世界上第二高的山峰 功能: - 力量直覺和內在視野 - 打開更高的意識 - 超越靈性 白松石 保護和淨化水晶 功能: - 加強溝通 - 將物理世界與靈性聯繫起來 - 淨化過低或過剩能量
