The Sprinkle Bracelet (8mm)



Lazurite Ancient Egyptian’s noble stone - Elevate Observation, Insights, Instincts, and Spirituality - Dissolve Negative Emotions, Achieve Peace of Mind - Improve Sleep, Meditation and Metabolism Pietersite Unleash potential and Reward - Unleash inner potential - Strengthen creativeness, confidence, rewards - Shield against radiation and negative energy Black Onxy The Shield Stone - Protect from Negative energy and attack - Enable Capability to quickly see the Truth and Whole picture - Remove Impurities from the Aura 彼得石 開發潛能及回報之石 - 開發個人內在潛能 - 強化信心,創作力,自信,及回報 - 消除負面能量及輻射 青金石 古埃及的貴族石 - 增強觀察力和洞察力,提升靈性 - 化解戾氣,治癒心靈, 回復平靜 - 舒緩情緒,幫助睡眠及新陳代謝 黑瑪瑙 防護之石 - 保護,去除負能量及壓力,加強膽色與勇氣 - 增加人對事物的宏觀,遠小人近貴人 - 去除氣場上的雜質,有效啟發其自身的魅力
