The Virtuous Bracelet (8mm)



藍瑪瑙 - 冷靜大腦,解除疑惑,提高思想的完整性與靈敏度 - 促進其呼吸系統健康,加強其表達能力和說服力 - 使人具有先見之明,有堅定信心,加強自信的功能。 綠海洋碧玉 - 幫助睡眠, 舒緩情緒 - 生長及豐盛,勇氣及智慧 - 能量保護 紅海洋碧玉 - 紓緩壓力及平靜心神 - 愛的流動,舒緩情緒 - 加強身體及靈性的平衡 Blue Onyx - Accelerate the intellectual and enhances the ability for rapid response - Open and elevate communication and persuasiveness - Boost intuition, confident and courage to overcome fear Green Sea Sediment Jasper - Improves sleep quality and reduce stress - Growth, abundance, courage, wisdom - Energy protection Red Sea Sediment Jasper - Inner peace and reduce stress - Love, compassion, and emotional healing - Alignment on physical body and spirituality
