The Weave Bracelet (6mm)



Black Rutilated Quartz The leadership stone - Empower leadership charisma and influence - Attract wealth and abundance - Protect one from negative energy Basalt Lava Stone Transformational and Support Stone Function: - Confident and Support - Calm and Goal-oriented Focus - Positive Transformation Bian Stone - Boost metabolism and immunity - Improve blood circulation and vitality - Prevent headache and memory loss 領袖之石 - 增加領袖魅力及領導力 - 招主財及偏財 - 防負能量 玄武岩熔岩石 轉型與支持石 功能: - 提高自信和支持 - 冷靜和目標導向的焦點 - 積極轉型 砭石 - 改善人體內的代謝環境和狀態, 增強免疫能力 - 改善心肌的血液供應, 溫助陽氣 - 預防和治療頭痛、目眩、記憶力減退
